Grezzto Special Lubricant & Chemical
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:: Grezzto Special PROFILE ::



  • Crystal Case Chemical (Thailand) is a professional company specializing in chemicals for over 10 years.
    From this great experience, we have earned trust and confidence from many companies and industrial factories.
    Moreover, we have acknowledged the customer’s demands in our products in both in the industries sector
    and many other companies. Therefore, our company’s networks have created a special analysis center in 2005,
    in the name of Crystal Case Chemical. To this, Crystal Case Chemical Center has created many different types
    of chemical for a large of number of organizations and distributes our products to our customers. In addition,
    apart from satisfying our customers’ needs, we still emphasize on developing both our products and services.

    Crystal Case Chemical also specializes in importing all kinds of chemical and raw materials to provide a various
    range of the products and developments to our customers.

    In Crystal Case Chemical, there are 5 factors we are committed to , which are:

    1. We provide qualified products that are safe to us.
    2. We are ready to consult and give advises upon selecting and producing different chemical products by
      our experts.
    3. Our price is fair and suitable for all of our customers, which will help them reduce costs.
    4. Our product must be safe towards the users and customers and will not create any problems directly
      and indirectly.
    5. Delivering products is very important to our company’s policy. When purchased, our products will be
      delivered right on time without any delays to meet up to our customers’ needs and to be able to use our
      products at the maximum benefits.


    Crystal Case Chemical’s products and services are divided into the followings:

    • Spraying products that are used in industrial factories, such as Contact Cleaner, Rust Preventive, etc.
    • Chemical products such as Oil Stains Cleaner, Cooling Tower, etc
    • Lubricant products such as all types of heat resisting lubricants, lubricants that are used in food and
      medicine manufacturing, etc.
    • Oil products such as Cutting Oil, Rust Preventive Oil, etc.
    • Provide information and advises on lubricant and chemical products.
    • Provide suggestions and help solve production problems and maintenance. 
    • Help analyze and produce special lubricants and chemicals that meet our customer’s need.

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Crystal Case Chemical

A professional company specializing in chemicals for over 10 years. From this great experience, we have earned trust and confidence from many companies and industrial factories. Moreover, we have acknowledged the customer’s demands in our products in both in the industries sector and many other companies. Therefore, our company’s networks have created a special analysis center in 2005, in the name of Crystal Case Chemical. To this, Crystal Case Chemical Center has created many different types of chemical for a large of number of organizations and distributes our products to our customers. In addition, apart from satisfying our customers’ needs, we still emphasize on developing both our products and services.