Grezzto Special Lubricant & Chemical
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Chemical cleaner of Plaques limestone and algae with Chillers & Cooling Systems DregsRemover.
The solution is concentrated to remove plaque. The metal in the cooling system. There are three
types of specialty chemicals in the first part, which will increase the penetration of the solution
quickly, thereby saving time in the second act of removing slag or limestone. The scale is a small
molecule. Loss and degradation of the third act with the metal surface. The reaction solution was
sub-scale in order to prevent damage to the  metal surface.






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Crystal Case Chemical

A professional company specializing in chemicals for over 10 years. From this great experience, we have earned trust and confidence from many companies and industrial factories. Moreover, we have acknowledged the customer’s demands in our products in both in the industries sector and many other companies. Therefore, our company’s networks have created a special analysis center in 2005, in the name of Crystal Case Chemical. To this, Crystal Case Chemical Center has created many different types of chemical for a large of number of organizations and distributes our products to our customers. In addition, apart from satisfying our customers’ needs, we still emphasize on developing both our products and services.