Big Business 2.0 by FCT
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Boiler feed water system in general. Corrosion problems are water-soluble gases, oxygen and pH.  The slag
in the metal has some flaws. Oxygen can cause corrosion flat. Or a hole  (pitting) due to the film's Magnetic
separation are renal conditions. Concentration Cell surface  and the interface between the anti-meat iron.
We have to break out is negative. Corrosion is  the steam that causes the loss of one. The solution should be
used. To remove dissolved  oxygen completely without damaging the machine and to be effective in the run
up the most  economical.

      Outstanding Characteristics

  • Eliminate the oxygen dissolved in water completely. Prevent oxidation in oxygen. With metal to protect
    the life of the pipe.
  • Does not increase the amount of TDS in the boiler.
  • Corrosion protection by forming a protective film for Magnetic kidney.
  • Adjusting the pH of the water in the boiler and in the Connecticut State Asset.
  • The iron and copper in water content less active Asset.
  • Prevent corrosion of oxygen. And carbon dioxide. Connecticut has a date in ASSET.
  • The hydrazine compounds. The highly concentrated amounts of determination.






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Crystal Case Chemical

A professional company specializing in chemicals for over 10 years. From this great experience, we have earned trust and confidence from many companies and industrial factories. Moreover, we have acknowledged the customer’s demands in our products in both in the industries sector and many other companies. Therefore, our company’s networks have created a special analysis center in 2005, in the name of Crystal Case Chemical. To this, Crystal Case Chemical Center has created many different types of chemical for a large of number of organizations and distributes our products to our customers. In addition, apart from satisfying our customers’ needs, we still emphasize on developing both our products and services.